Re: Voice Overs - minor fixes and possible change

Hi Shawn, Eric,

On 12/12/2019 04:30, Shawn Henry wrote:
> Summary: Given all below, I think we probably want to change the 
> end-plate narration to:
> 1: For resources on evaluating web accessibility, visit 
> w3.o-r-g/W-A-I/evaluation
> 2: For information on easy checks for web accessibility, visit 
> w3.o-r-g/W-A-I/evaluation
> 3: For information on tools for evaluating web accessibility, visit 
> w3.o-r-g/W-A-I/evaluation
> 4: For information on web accessibility conformance evaluation, visit 
> w3.o-r-g/W-A-I/evaluation
> 5: For information on involving users in web accessibility, visit 
> w3.o-r-g/W-A-I/involve-users
> * [high] for end-plate animation timing: show only the URI during the 
> narration of it. Wait to show the resource name until after the URI is 
> done in the narration.
> (Rationale: For people who are viewing the video elsewhere (e.g., in 
> YouTube), the most important thing they need from the whole video is the 
> URI. If other text is appearing on the screen while the URI is being 
> said, then that moving text gets attention and some of us cannot focus 
> on and process the URI.)

End-plate narration has been changed as suggested above, so I assume 
that this second [high]-priority comment is moot.

> Also, I notice in this survey 
> <>:
> * At the end of the video I would prefer the title of the resource first 
> in bold and then the URL without bold.
> * End cards in general – Super mild: I would prefer the name of the 
> video/resource on top and the URL on bottom, with the URL being smaller 
> or the same size as the video title. My brain starts reading the URL 
> before realizing it is a URL. Having the title more prominent would give 
> my brain more time to identify the content.

Note: This is a comment from Eric in the survey.

> SLH input: I like the idea of the title first. The URI will have more 
> clarity if it's at the end.
> If we think these will be viewed a lot outside of the WAI website, then 
> I think the URI should still be bigger and bolder.

Following this, and my assumption that most views for *these* videos 
will be from the WAI website, I conclude the following change:

- Put video name at the top in big and bold
- Have URL below in smaller text
- Keep URL typing-animation

I also suggest the following abbreviated video names appearing:

1. Resource Overview
2. Easy Checks
3. Evaluation Tools
4. Conformance Evaluation
5. Involving Users

Alternatively we could use the full names:

1. Resources on Evaluating Web Accessibility
2. Easy Checks for Web Accessibility
3. Tools for Evaluating Web Accessibility
4. Web Accessibility Conformance Evaluation
5. Involving Users in Web Accessibility



Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2019 18:30:31 UTC