Your EOWG comments

Thanks for the review Kevin, much appreciated. Here is what I did with them:

- "Who Needs" section, 2nd paragraph, "Business case" should read "business
SR: fixed, thanks!

- Between the Apple and Google case studies, I'm unsure of the word
"wealth", maybe a change to something like "abundance"?
SR: Made the change, thanks!

- Barclays pullout quote: since it is a quote it maybe can't be changed,
but changing "everyone to work" with "everyone work" may increase
SR: Yes a quote from Paul Smyth so unable to change unfortunately.

Barclays case study: What does FTSE mean? Should it be spelled out?
SR: Yes it is Financial Times Stock Exchange, and done!

The three resources links returned 404s but that may be because of the
"draft" state of the page.
SR: Yes those will be made real when it goes live.

Thanks again for your time and good review.


Sharron Rush | Executive Director | | @knowbility
*Equal access to technology for people with disabilities*

Received on Saturday, 13 October 2018 17:05:13 UTC