Re: [wbs] response to 'EOWG Survey - Showcase Examples February 2016'

Hi Shadi,

Reviewed your questions and clarifications.  My responses follow your



On 2/9/16, 8:37 AM, "Shadi Abou-Zahra" <> wrote:

>Hi Adina,
>Thanks a lot for reviewing the scripts and for your comments. Please
>find a few questions and clarifications inline below:
>On 4.2.2016 18:48, Adina Halter via WBS Mailer wrote:
>> The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'EOWG Survey -
>> Showcase Examples February 2016' (Education and Outreach Working Group)
>> Adina Halter.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 1: Video Captions
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 1: Video Captions and add any comments in GitHub
>>> new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> Scene 1: "If I stopped talking now you'd have to guess what this film is
>> about" should be something like "If the sound cut out now you'd have to
>> guess what this scene is about".
>> Basically the narrator isn't the one who is describing the film so it
>> wouldn't matter if they stopped talking.
>Isn't the narrator describing *this* video (as opposed to the one on the
>tablet)? If the narrator stopped talking, I think it would leave people
>wondering what is going on in the different scenes, no?
>Also, "if the sound cut" is a little unclear - do you mean the music
>versus the actual voice speaking?
>> Also, someone may still figure out what the film is about without sound,
>> but they would be confused from scene to scene.
>I remember going to the cinema with deaf friends before they had
>captions in theaters, and how we would end up seeing completely
>different movies, even though we were sitting beside each other :)
>Isn't it really more or less the same point to get confused from one
>scene to the next versus not fully understanding what is going on? Maybe
>some better phrasing can capture both aspects of this?

Yes, I agree.  It was the wording that was confusing.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 2: Color Contrast
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 2: Color Contrast and add any comments in GitHub
>>> new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> Scene 2: I would take the word "mess" out.  Just " make this
>> and frustrating."
>> I would say something more general then "navigating".  Maybe "... makes
>> using the design a real pain"
>I like these wording suggestions though we should be careful not to lose
>too much of the casual conversational tone either.

>> Scene 6: the people don't decline, their vision does.  Maybe "people
>> aging eyes may see their vision decline"
>I thought "age-related vision decline" is a usual phrase to describe
>vision decline due to aging? Maybe say "vision decline due to age"?

It was simply the way the sentence was constructed.  It sounded like the
subject of ³decline² was the individual, not their eyes.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 3: Voice Recognition
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 3: Voice Recognition and add any comments in
>>> as new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> No comments.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 4: Text to Speech
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 4: Text to Speech and add any comments in GitHub
>>> new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> In the first scene is the text on our screen or his screen?  I'm
>> the man in scene 1 is the same in scene 2.  So it should seem that the
>> is intently trying to read something, but then in scene 2 with the audio
>> you see he's actually listening.  The sound of the reading should come
>> in volume in scene 2 so that we know that he was actually listening, not
>> reading.
>Yes, I make the same assumptions. I like your suggestion of hearing
>parts of what the person is listening to.

>> I think in this script we should sprinkle web and apps instead of it
>> all web.  Especially since more and more reading material is offered via
>> apps like Kindle, iTunes (which has books now), and even Audible which
>> offering both web and native app.
>We could change "websites they have to be properly coded" to "websites
>and applications, they have to be properly coded" in Scene 6. Do you
>have other suggestions?

That would work.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 5: Layout and Design
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 5: Layout and Design and add any comments in
>>> as new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> No comments.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 6: Notifications and Feedback
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 6: Notifications and Feedback and add any comments
>>> in GitHub as new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable
>>> GitHub, please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> I'm confused about scene 6.  If in scene 5 the confusing error message
>> changed to something understandable but then in scene 6 we pull out to
>> reveal elderly studying it and getting confused why is he confused if
>> error message in screen 5 had already been fixed?  Maybe scene 6 should
>> a scene with a different person than scene 5.
>Good point - there is lots of switching back and forth here. How about
>we move Scene 5 into Scene 7 (and break that up a little accordingly)?

That might work.  I would want to run it by Brent and Claudia first
though.  There may be some staging issues I wasnıt considering.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 7: Large Click Areas
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 7: Large Click Areas and add any comments in
>>> as new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> No comments.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 8: Text Customization
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 8: Text Customization and add any comments in
>>> as new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> No comments.
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 9: Simple Language
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 9: Simple Language and add any comments in GitHub
>>> new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with GitHub,
>>> please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> Just make sure that the child is also doing the reading.  Not just the
>> grandpa.  Maybe she's reading and he's also trying to make sense of it
>> behind her.
>Yes, very good point! They read together thanks to accessibility...

Thanks! :-)
>>> ---------------------------------
>>> Script 10: Keyboard Compatibility
>>> ----
>>> Please review Script 10: Keyboard Compatibility and add any comments in
>>> GitHub as new issues or pull requests. If you are not comfortable with
>>> GitHub, please add your comments below.
>>   * (x) I reviewed it and have added comments (in GitHub or below).
>>   * ( ) I didn't get to it; I will pass on commenting on the document
>> accept the decisions of the Group.
>> No comments.
>>> These answers were last modified on 4 February 2016 at 17:46:35 U.T.C.
>>> by Adina Halter
>> Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at
>> until
>> 2016-02-10.
>>   Regards,
>>   The Automatic WBS Mailer
>Thanks a lot,
>   Shadi
>Shadi Abou-Zahra -
>Activity Lead, WAI International Program Office
>W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

Received on Wednesday, 10 February 2016 08:45:07 UTC