testing of horizontal nav

All tested on Win7 platform

Chrome 9.0.597.98 beta
"Inno-vations" hyphenates as window width decreases
"Princi ples" breaks without a hyphen
Can't see any use of soft hyphens or word-break css propoerty, so could 
just be chrome auto-hyphenation weirdness.

IE 9.0.7930.16406 beta
Bottom-padding of each box is large (or possible bottom margin of each 
link within the box
There are a bunch of other problems with the WAI layout... logo pulled 
off-viewport to the left, left-menu styling screwed up, etc.

FF 3.6.6
All good.

All versions
I don't get the :focus cue that I get on :hover 
(text-decoration:underline). Grumble. Don't make me rely on focusrect.

Liam McGee
Communis Ltd

Tel: +44 (0)1373 836 476
web: www.communis.co.uk
Book: www.googlelove.co.uk

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 09:47:07 UTC