Re: Action: Proposal for HTML Access

On Wed, 27 Aug 1997, Murray Maloney wrote:

> Having read Jason's mail, and the private notes
> that I have received from Daniel D., I am incensed.

I am at a loss to know what was said in my previous message on this topic
that justifies such a reaction. I merely sought an explanation of the
relationship between Murray's HTML WG activity and the WAI process as a
whole. I did not intend to imply that his actions were in any way
illegitimate or reprehensible. To the extent that such an impression was
inadvertently created, I hereby apologize.

I am also very pleased with the progress that Murray and T.V. Raman have
made in advocating the importance of access issues at the HTML WG meeting.
The restoration of OBJECT to its former state is a particularly welcome

The establishment within W3C of means by which WAI proposals can be
properly considered and addressed, still appears to be a live issue at
this point. I am sure that Daniel has been working diligently to resolve
the problem, and I do not wish my remarks to be taken as implying any
criticism of his efforts or those of any other participants in the WAI

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 1997 22:04:53 UTC