Re: When may we say we're done with the ACSS action item?

> Q1:  May we say we are done with the ACSS action item?

When we feel we have given enough feedback/input to the HTML/CSS
working group so that they can work on satisfying our requirements.

In this particular case, the original issue was about precedence
ruling between author and user of CSS.

After our discussions in the WAI WG about HTML4.0 feature like Style
sheet media or alternate, I (and others) sent a couple of messages to
the HTML and CSS WG related to media type being underdevelopped, and
alternate and persistent being confusing.

Since the message has been heard, we could claim success on this one,
but read below.

> Q2:  Has Chris or anyone from the Styles area looked over
> my comments on the ACSS draft itself, and do they feel we have
> answered their request for an accessibility review of the
> draft?

I'll ask. Could you give me the URL again ?  I'd suggest separating
the ACSS review itself from the priority schema issue.
> Discussion:
> I think I want to claim success on the part about giving feedback
> to the Styles team, and failure on the part about doing examples,
> and say it's done.

Even though I mentioned I raised the issue about style media lacking
expressive power, I'm still not happy with the reaction it generated
in the HTML forum.

It true that with the HTML4 release, they have a lot of feedback to
process and I'm looking into some way to put some more weight into the
WAI part of that (for one thing, I'll be attending the next HTML
Coordination Group conference call next Monday).

I think we need to put together a short, to the point, "Style Sheet
media extension" proposal gathering input from Jason on Braille, and
other thing Al mentioned like tty, bigfont, etc.

With that in hand, it should be easier to lobby for faster HTML
More generally, I'm looking into a more formal way of communicating
our results to the other working groups, not just relying on me
sending ad-hoc messages to the other mailing list, but rather having
some kind of official "WAI results" page with information sorted by
target ("for the HTML WGguys, for the CSS guys", etc).

Received on Thursday, 17 July 1997 06:05:28 UTC