Re: CSS examples for Braille?

On Jun 17,  3:55pm, Daniel Dardailler wrote:
> Subject: Re: CSS examples for Braille?
> > Is anyone aware of, or is anyone working on, CSS examples that
> > describe the reduction of a text to Braille?
> I think Chris Lilley mentioned something to me along these lines
> recently. (Chris is at the W3C Advisory Commitee meeting in Japan this
> week, so don't expect a quick answer)

There was some interest in CSS for Braille at WWW6. There is already a
placeholder media attribute on the style element, and corresponding
@media block in the CSS, for Braille stylesheets.

The first thing is to gather requirements. For example - which Braille?
6-dot or 8-dot ? For braillers, or printed books, or both? Which level of
Braille to generate?

Are American and British and French and Greek Braille the same and if
not, how do you know which one to generate and which one you are

Having worked that out, writing CSS properties to control alignment
(centred, left, right) indent, etc would be fairly straightforward. Ways
of laying out tables, perhaps using footnote markers in each cell, would
be a bit more complex.

There was  also a requirement to synchronise multi-media presentation so
you could have, for example, an ACSS stylesheet styling the audio output
of an HTML page with the title/URL of links being displayed on a Braille
bar as the link text was being spoken.

I asked at WWW6 for anyone with ideas or requirements on CSS Braille
to contact me. I didn't get much response so far. If the WAI group, who
collectively know far more than I do about Braille (I'm just bluffing,
actually ;-) and don't read Braille at all) could collect and summarise
requirements that would be most valuable.

Chris Lilley, W3C                          [ ]
Graphics and Fonts Guy            The World Wide Web Consortium              INRIA,  Projet W3C                       2004 Rt des Lucioles / BP 93
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Received on Wednesday, 2 July 1997 16:22:10 UTC