W3C UA Mozilla implementation report


Congratulations on your support for in-process access to the DOM in
Mozilla. (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/ui/accessibility/w3c-uaag.html)

- Could you provide techniques for allowing an AT to get in-process access
to the DOM?
- How would you do the above on multiple platforms (Linux, Windows, etc.)
- What support will you have for Gnome Accessibility on Unix platforms?
- What DOM API do you support? Is it document for AT vendors


Rich Schwerdtfeger
Senior Technical Staff Member
IBM Accessibility Center
Research Division
EMail/web: schwer@us.ibm.com

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.",

Received on Thursday, 21 February 2002 14:55:32 UTC