Re: Proposed Note about developer-level information

can we list them and can we also say difficult or impossible or: may
Ian Jacobs wrote:
> Hello,
> In my review of NN 4.6 [1] and from other reviews,
> it is apparent that some of the checkpoints cannot be
> verified by mere mortals; developer documentation or
> assistance is required. In particular, the following
> information is difficult to ascertain without detailed
> specs:
>   1) Does the UA support all functionalities through a given
>      input or output device API?
>   2) Does the UA support a spec (W3C or other) 100%? Vendor claims
>      are often exaggerated.
>   3) What information is made available through software APIs?
>      (user interface controls, document object model, etc.)
>   4) If it's possible to control the UA through an API, how is this
>      done?
> I propose that we include a Note in the document warning readers
> that some of the checkpoints will be difficult to verify without
> details from developers. For instance, in the section on Conformance,
> we might say:
> Note. While the checkpoints have been designed to be verifiable, some
> may be difficult to verify without documentation from vendors about
> what features and APIs they support.
>  - Ian
> [1]
> --
> Ian Jacobs (
> Tel/Fax:                     +1 212 684-1814
> Cell:                        +1 917 450-8783

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Received on Monday, 4 October 1999 00:55:29 UTC