Re: Definition of mainstream browser

I'm puzzled by this definition -- are you sure that you want to say "PC
Platform"? How do you deal with WebTV? That's one example of a popular user
agent that is not PC based, right? 

- Mike

At 04:38 PM 1/15/99 +0100, Daniel Dardailler wrote:
>> Please define "mainstream" browser for me, so I can put the definition on
>> the issues list.
>A generic definition would be a Web UA targeted for use on a standard
>desktop platform with: graphical screen, keyboard, mouse, audio (I'm
>sure the PC industry has a definition of a standard desktop somewhere,
>we don't need to redefine that), primarily by non disabled users.
>A specific definition is: one of 
>  - Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer
>  - any other that compete with these two (Opera, IBM WebExplorer, etc)
>A corrolary of these definitions is that a mainstream browser, as
>Chuck Opperman said on the list,"is often times forced on students and
>employees." who would otherwise use more specialized user agents best
>suited to their needs.

Mike Paciello                     Email: <>
WebABLE! Solutions          Tel: (603) 598-9544 
131 D.W. Highway #618     Fax: (603) 598-2839 
Nashua, NH 03060             WWW: <http:://>

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Received on Friday, 15 January 1999 10:54:26 UTC