Re: Definition of mainstream browser

> Please define "mainstream" browser for me, so I can put the definition on
> the issues list.

A generic definition would be a Web UA targeted for use on a standard
desktop platform with: graphical screen, keyboard, mouse, audio (I'm
sure the PC industry has a definition of a standard desktop somewhere,
we don't need to redefine that), primarily by non disabled users.

A specific definition is: one of 
  - Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer
  - any other that compete with these two (Opera, IBM WebExplorer, etc)

A corrolary of these definitions is that a mainstream browser, as
Chuck Opperman said on the list,"is often times forced on students and
employees." who would otherwise use more specialized user agents best
suited to their needs.

Received on Friday, 15 January 1999 10:39:02 UTC