No UA update before face-to-face meeting, but a new issue list

I need to report to the face-to-face participants and the other UA members
that there will not be a new working draft before the meeting.  Based on
consultations with W3C staff my energies will be better served to release
an updated issues list.  I will do this monday morning.  An up to date
issues list will serve the UA group in helping to bring the UA guidelines
to closure, since we can use it as our internal check list of closed and
open issues.


Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Voice: 217-244-5870
Fax: 217-333-0248

Received on Friday, 4 December 1998 13:04:09 UTC