RE: navigating Vs searching

At 10:19 AM 06-11-98 -0500, Denis Anson <> wrote:

>I think we need to keep in mind the distinction between searching, browsing, 
>and actually getting information from the web.

Indeed. Browsing or page navigating consists of following an existing
'course' laid out by the links on a Web page (This is where 1 keystroke
navigation is vital!). Luckily I can eyeball a page to get a given piece of
information, that is searching as is using Opera's page search function to
highlight 1 or more words. I was very concerned about the idea of combining
navigation & searching into 1 function, but couldn't describe the difference
till Denis noted getting to & using information is 2 different things.

>No, I think we need a way to navigate the *content* of the page as well as the 
>links off of the page.



-> "Its been said the pebbles can't stop the avalanche, guess the pebbles
didn't have access to the Web!"

Received on Friday, 6 November 1998 11:18:12 UTC