alternative access to event creation

Basic rules: display-related disabilities exaggerate the
downsides of the effects of web page behavior; command-related
disabilities (or elective voice command...) requires that the
activation of each transaction be configurable.

For the UA group, the basic model for the control of events which
are looking for devices you are not using is generalizations on
the context menu or right-mouse-button menu.  Our key resource is
that the behaviors (even-handling scripts) are bound not only to
event stimulus by to document scopes (elements).  So the list of
relevant/available actions changes with fine-grain context inside
the document.


to follow up on what Charles McCathieNevile said:
> From  Wed Oct 28 13:38:48 1998
> Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 05:35:08 +1100 (EST)
> From: Charles McCathieNevile <>
> X-Sender: charlesn@sunrise
> To: Al Gilman <>
> Subject: Re: Guidelines - events (not Xposted)
> In-Reply-To: <>
> Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.981029052845.15545A-100000@sunrise>

> This is about the guideline that I am aiming for. The other question is 
> which are the events to which the guideline applies. On the User Agent 
> teleconference which just finished we discussed what kind of events could 
> be absorbed into 'logical' events, and I am thinking along the following 
> lines:
> onClick could be used as onActivate, along with current keyboard/voice 
> interfaces for activating an object (button, etc.)
> onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseMove, onKeyPress, onKeyUp may all be 
> related to selecting a part of the document, so perhaps should be 
> reserved for that function, and scripts act on onSelect or something.
> Should there be an onDeSelect?
> I am not sure about onDblClick. It doesn't have a default behaviour 
> except in a browser/editor like Amaya, where it is the Activator, since 
> the single click moves the insertion point (which means Amaya would 
> relate single-click to onFocus)
> Charles McCathieNevile
> On Wed, 28 Oct 1998, Al Gilman wrote:
> > One guideline that page (script) authors should follow has to do
> > with behavior which responds to mouse position without the user
> > exercising any command discretes.
> > 
> > These are the handlers for events including onmouseover and not
> > including ondblclick.
> > 
> > This class of behaviors should cause incremental changes to the
> > finish of the display and not make any change in the actual or
> > perceived structure and content of the document.  The should all
> > be expendable, in the sense that (for example) the audio
> > usefulness of the site is not materially degraded by omitting
> > them altogether.
> > 
> > I think that the authors should be reminded that the user may
> > be viewing the browser window through a screen magnifier and
> > not have the full window in view in their assessment of what
> > constitutes a small perturbation of the display.
> > 
> > Al
> > 

Received on Wednesday, 28 October 1998 13:56:33 UTC