Minutes from UA Telecon on September 30th

Minutes can also be found at: 

Marja-Riitta Koivunen 
Judy Brewer 
Scott Luebking 
Harvey Bingham 
Ian Jacobs 
Jon Gunderson 
Jim Allan 
Kitch Barnicle 
Kathy Hewitt 
Paul Adelson
Action Items and Conclusions 
Jon: Send message 
Put SMIL on next weeks agenda, Judy will solicit comments on her e-mail 
Invite Arnaud Le Hors (lehors@w3.org) in on discussion of accessibility
Jon: Big issue we have is how people identify which elements have associated 
events. Event bubbling/dispatching in the scripting models (which differs 
between NS and MS) complicates accessibility. (Bubbling means that many 
elements may handle an event, and showing the user each one may be tedious). 
Thoughts on event handling: - Event handler object. 
Ian: Event handling is the realm of the DOM (WG currently discussing this). 
This group should express requirements to the DOM group. 
Jon: Al is doing this for WAI. 
Jon: Our questions from UA standpoint: how do we provide feedback to users 
there is an event associated with an object? 
Ian: Let's distinguish how to find out what objects have events (the DOM)
how to communicate this to the user. 
J on: Yes, but not just the DOM. Author markup as well: - No markup at all 
(rely on global event handler) - HTML "on" attributes. - Event model (e.g., 
using "id" attributes). 
Ian: Also Behavior/Action sheets. Questions: 
· - How do you identify events? (HTML Markup, DOM, behaviors/action 
· - What do visually disabled users need to know about this 
· - How do you activate a behavior in alternate ways? 
· - How do you know what the results are? 
Jon: Not all scripts have rendering impact. Some just do verifications, for 
example. Also listener handlers don't make changes, but propagate events 
Marja: E.g., memorization of last selected menu option. 
Jon: Other e.g., : frame manipulation. 
Jon: For example, do we put event information in the tab stops. You can tab 
through events. Is this overkill (e.g., tab through each paragraph to change 
color). Or is there a separate access to dynamic HTML events. Problem that 
events are mouse-driven. How to translate them to other input methods? 
Jon: in terms of UI, how to provide keyboard access, how to notify user? 
Scott: depends upon what type of mouse events one is talking about 
Jon: One use of scripts is to expand and contract information, provide 
tool-tip-like function. 
Marja: Are we thinking about both visual and audio representations (as well
Jon: Big problem is deciding which events are important and the user should 
know about. 
/* Discussion of scripting language differences */ 
Jon: PAGL should indicate that for presentational changes, people should mix 
scripting and style, not just rely on scripting. (See 
http://www.w3.org/Style/Group for info about behaviors.) (See 
http://www.w3.org/Submission/1998/10/ for info about action sheets) 
Judy: Post list of key questions with some suggestions/comments to list, get 
feedback through email and from experts on Dynamic HTML, etc. 
Judy: Perhaps talk to Arnaud Le Hors (lehors@w3.org) about this (he's DOM and 
HTML). Action 
Jon: Invite Arnaud to meeting next week. Decide whether for the entire hour, 
part, etc. (Note that he is in France.) 
Judy: We should have a CG meeting about events. 
Jon: We should also know when to stop chasing the latest accessibility issue. 
Judy: But "Version 1" documents should avoid having big gaps. 
· PAGL may need to incorporate more information about events. 
· /* Discussion of SMIL and UA requirements */ 
· See Judy's email: 
· Philipp Hoschka is also available for SMIL info. 

Jon Gunderson, Ph.D., ATP
Coordinator of Assistive Communication and Information Technology
Division of Rehabilitation - Education Services
University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign
1207 S. Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820

Voice: 217-244-5870
Fax: 217-333-0248
E-mail: jongund@uiuc.edu
WWW:	http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~jongund

Received on Friday, 2 October 1998 15:51:29 UTC