The Early-bird Registration Discount for Accessing Higher Ground 2023 Ends Next Week, September 13

AHG 2023: Accessible Media, Web & Technology Conference<>
November  6 -10, 2023

Hilton Denver City Center, Denver, Colorado

Dear Colleagues:

Early-bird Registration ends on September 13.

(for the onsite 2023 Conference)

$595 for standard registrations

More pricing info<>

Athen & AHEAD members receive a 10% discount

Keynote Speaker: Nina G is a comedian, author, and professional speaker who stutters and has dyslexia. For over 20 years, she has also worked in the field of disability services in higher education. Nina will talk about her Disability experience spanning generations in her family and the impact of influential individuals, including her parents, teachers, and even those who doubted her abilities.
Highlights from this year’s event:

(Titles link to session descriptions)


•       Accessibility Testing Workshop (2023)<>, Karl Groves, Chief Innovation Officer, Level Access (1-day workshop)

•       Create accessible documents in Office 365: Word, PowerPoint, and Excel<>, George Joeckel, Online Training Program Manager, Utah State University / WebAIM, (1-day Certificate)

•       Innovating Toward Universal Design: Robust Accessible Media and Campus Accessibility Workflows<>, Kaela Parks, Portland Comm. College

Main Conference

•       Accessibility Testing: Don’t Just Rely on What Automated Tests Tell You<>, Mike Williamson, Assistant Director, University of Colorado Boulder

•       A University-wide strategy for Document Accessibility<>, Shilpi Kapoor, CEO, 247 Accessible Documents

•       OCR’s Year In Review (2023)<>, Mary Lou Mobley, National Disability Expert, U.S. Dept. of Education

•       Coordinating Captioning Efforts on Campus – Three Perspectives<>, Annissa Stout, Accessible Content & Media Coordinator, University of Arizona

•       Eliminate Student’s Dependence on Alternative Materials with EPUB 3<>, Darrin Evans, Director Virtual Learning Community Professional Development Center, North Carolina Community College System

•       Incorporating Accessibility into the Library Electronic Resource Acquisition Cycle<>, Elyssa Gould, Head, Acquisitions & Continuing Resources, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

•       Chat GPT, Can You Help Me? Chat GPT as Assistive Technology for Students with Disabilities<>, Krystal Iseminger, Director of Accessibility/Adjunct Faculty, Wichita State University, Campus of Applied Sciences and Technology

And over 80 more

View complete agenda<> or register now.<>

More Information

If you have any questions, contact Howard Kramer at 720-351-8668 or at the email below.


Conference URL:


Howard Kramer
AHG Conference Director
Accessing Higher Ground
cell: 720-351-8668

Sign up to access the recordings from the 2022 Accessing Higher Ground Conference<>.

Sign up to our mailing list to receive announcements<>.

Complete program information and registration is open for AHEAD's full line-up of Spring 2023 webinars<>.

Not yet a member of AHEAD?  We welcome you to join AHEAD now.<>


Howard Kramer
AHG Conference Director
Accessing Higher Ground
cell: 720-351-8668

Sign up to access the recordings from the 2022 Accessing Higher Ground Conference<>.

Sign up to our mailing list to receive announcements<>.

Complete program information and registration is open for AHEAD's full line-up of Spring 2023 webinars<>.

Not yet a member of AHEAD?  We welcome you to join AHEAD now.<>

Howard Kramer

Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2023 03:36:10 UTC