Guidance Needed: Color contrast error using Wave tool when text over background image is present

Hi ,

I am really looking for more clarification while using the WAVE
accessibility evaluation tool.

In one section of the page, there is content over a background image. (*not
referring to Images of text here*) Content over the image is clearly
visible however Wave shows a contrast error of 1:1, due to the white font
and white background underneath the image?

My question is

1. can this error be ignored?
2. is an automated tool showing an error just in case if image doesn't load?
3. Or do I need to make the background color underneath the image to
dark color? in order to make WAVE happy? is it important in terms of

Please suggest and your guidance is much appreciated.

for example below case: where white text is present over the image
[image: Screen Shot 2022-07-15 at 8.30.00 AM.png]


Received on Friday, 15 July 2022 13:38:43 UTC