Re: <article> & H1s

I think you are right about what would happen if there were multiple

With a single item, I think instead of <article>you should use <main> and
the <h1> should indeed be inside it.

Even if you don't use <main> the <h1> should be inside the article for
which it provides the title, IMHO.

I don't know that you are over thinking this. An important question is how  
landmark navigation interacts...


On Wed, 09 Sep 2020 06:32:56 +1000, Jeana Clark <>

> I have a page that is a single article of content (think newspaper  
> article). And that content is wrapped in an <article> tag. >However the  
> H1 (the title of the article) is outside of the <article> tag and is  
> closer to the top, opening <body> tag. On the >page are sidebars, ads,  
> nav, branded header, search bar etc.
> Shouldn’t the <h1> (the title of the article) be inside of the <article>  
> tag? Or does it matter?
> I understand that if I had an ‘index’ page of sorts, that showed  
> “multiple” snippets of news stories, the <h1> of the page might >be  
> “This weeks news”, and then the title of each of the news snippets could  
> be an h2, and within the <article> tag.
> I think I’m over thinking this.
> ----->>Jeana Clark



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