Re: Mechanism Disclaimer


There are not — and should not be - any requirements on the user in any WCAG.   These are guidelines for authors.

A “mechanism is available” means that the AUTHOR knows that all users already have it (it is in all browsers ) or the author has to provide it. 

If there are new SC being proposed that say “ the user must provide a mechanism”  (in any words) then — you are right - that is a problem and needs to be fixed.  

Gregg C Vanderheiden

> On Jan 23, 2017, at 12:18 PM, Alastair Campbell <> wrote:
> Gregg wrote:
> > “Mechanism is available” is a very powerful and forward looking approach
> Yes, and to be clear I wasn’t being critical of its use in WCAG 2.0. In those cases the onus was (and mostly still is) on the author to provide the mechanism.
> However, for these adaptation SCs the onus is on the user to provide the mechanism, and for the author not to disrupt their use of it. In that way it is similar to 2.1.1 Keyboard. The user brings the keyboard, the site should enable that usage by using proper HTML inputs/links/buttons, not using dodgy event handling etc.
> Cheers,
> -Alastair

Received on Monday, 23 January 2017 17:59:20 UTC