Re: Conforming to WCAG 2.0 SC 2.4.5 (Multiple Ways) for pdf files

> And those wishing not to be bothered with reading insanely boring ISO standards and technical specifications can readily find at least three independently developed, free of charge tools for checking PDF/UA conformance. And also a couple of tools (sorry, these are not free of charge) from several vendors to create PDDF/UA files, or to help fix PDF files such that they become PDF/UA files.

...and if you want to understand the guts of PDF/UA conformance without paying for the ISO specification itself, please see the PDF Association’s Matterhorn Protocol, which distills PDF/UA’s requirements into a series of checkpoints and failure conditions:

If you insist on the “real thing” but would prefer to spend $15 instead of $90, you can get the ANSI/AIIM edition of PDF/UA from AIIM:

All the best,

Duff Johnson

ISO Project co-Leader &
Chairman, US Committee for ISO 14289 (PDF/UA)

p  +1.617.283.4226

Received on Thursday, 30 June 2016 16:35:14 UTC