Conforming to WCAG 2.0 SC 2.4.5 (Multiple Ways) for pdf files

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to find out what is necessary to conform to success criterion 2.4.5 for pdf files.

The criterion states: 'More than one way is available to locate a Web page within a set of Web pages except where the Web Page is the result of, or a step in, a process.'

When reading the definitions in WCAG I would think a pdf file is a web page, and not a set of web pages. However, one of the techniques for this success criterion is PDF2, creating bookmarks in pdf files. This leads me to believe that in WCAG 2.0 a pdf file is considered a set of web pages, and success criterion 2.4.5 applies. This means that to be sufficient the bookmarks would have to be combined with another of the mentioned techniques.

Does this mean that to pass this success criterion every pdf file needs to have bookmarks, plus an extra means of navigation  such as a table of contents, even if it only has one page?

Thanks for any help!


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