Screen Reader Survey for User Research Class

Hi everyone,

My name is Anh Hua. I am a student at the University of Washington studying
Human Centered Design and Engineering. This quarter I'm taking a class in
user research. I'm really interested in accessibility, therefore I am
learning about web accessibility and screen reader usage. I would really
appreciate it if you can help me with this survey. The survey is only 5
minute long, and it would help solidify my findings from previous projects
as well as provide insights for my final reports.

The link to the survey is listed below:

Link to Survey <>

Thank you all! I would also really appreciate it if you have friends or
acquaintances who use screen readers and would have great insights to add.

Best wishes,

College of Engineering
University of Washington | Class of 2017
Human Centered Design and Engineering

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2016 02:57:21 UTC