Re: youtube accessibility

Le 01/03/2012 13:17, a écrit :
> The YouTube HTML 5 player (which is opt in,
> actually does allow keyboard navigation
> in Firefox, and you can even keyboard out of it, hurrah!  (The
> keyboard trap problem was a problem with Flash; the HTML 5 player does
> not share the same problem.)
For your information, the problem that Firefox had recently when using
keyboard in a page with a Flash object (it could enter the object but
would then be trapped) will be gone in a few weeks. Firefox will revert
its behavior to its old one and won't enter anymore a Flash object in
order to avoid being trapped. It was patched one month ago by the
Mozilla team working in Paris and will be released in one or two cycle I
The relevant bug in Bugzilla is :
Other browsers except (old?) IE seem to have the same problems, but I
didn't test it myself.

Philippe Vayssière

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2012 13:48:20 UTC