Re: How do you deal with false claims of accessibility conformance?

On Sun, 03 Sep 2006 20:02:18 +0200, Joshue O Connor
<> wrote:

>> They own copyright in the logos, and can certainly write a  
>> cease-and-desist letter to anyone who uses the logo to back their claim.
> But the logistics of that are (potentially) enormous, and without any
> legal weight behind it to give it teeth,
> then that approach is useless.

There are legal teeth, and they aren't that hard to apply at least to most
governments and large companies

>>> What it they don't use the logo, and only make a claim in textual form
>>> or designed their own button/logo?
> Would the design of their own conformance logo add to the possible
> conformance "Tower of babel"?

It would, and that of course is the risk. On the other hand, if they were
more active it would help improve trust in the real label.



    Charles McCathieNevile, Opera Software: Standards Group
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Received on Sunday, 3 September 2006 18:31:01 UTC