Ranking Accessible Was: Re: Google Accessible Search


I'm penning this as a response to all who have wondered about
  what you could do make your particular Web sites rank well with
  respect to Accessible Search.

First off, thank you all for the tremendous amount of interest
we've received --- both on various mailing lists, as well as our
own feedback line.

As was pointed out  by many on this thread -- the FAQ on the
Google site is "vague" with respect to what you can do to make
your site rank as accessible --- this was intentional and *not*
an omission.

The reason for the intentional vagueness  was that we did not
wish to create yet another set of Guidelines, nor did we wish to
provide specific rules that would lead to nothing more than the
system being gamed over time.

So to keep it simple --- do the right thing by accessibility when
creating your content, follow one or more of your favorite
guidelines --- my own favorite is Jakob Neillson --- and the rest
will take care of itself.


Best Regards,

Title:  Research Scientist      
Email:  raman@google.com
WWW:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/
GTalk:  raman@google.com, tv.raman.tv@gmail.com
PGP:    http://emacspeak.sf.net/raman/raman-almaden.asc
Google: tv+raman 

Received on Friday, 21 July 2006 18:43:31 UTC