Re: Accessibility of "CHM" format resources

Hi Orion and All,

I realise I'm coming late to this discussion, but there was a
comment on CSS that sounded familiar.

At 03:58 7/06/2005, Orion Adrian wrote:

>Constants would allow for better management and avoid lines like:
>         background:#eff0ec;
>which when reading do me no good since I can't convert rgb codes into
>color in my head. Also in the case of, it uses extensive use
>of pixel lengths and sizes.

Orion is not the first web developer to complain about the lack of
constants or something similar. "Spice"[1] was a submission to W3C
that addressed this. Spice is described as "amalgam of ideas from
DSSSL, CSS and JavaScript". It allows you to write something like
the following:

headingFont = "Times New Roman";
headingWeight = bold;
headingPosture = italic;

style h1
     fontFamily: headingFont;
     fontWeight: headingWeight;
     fontStyle: headingPosture;
     fontSize: 1.5em;
     textAlign: center;
     display: block

style h2
     fontFamily: headingFont;
     fontWeight: headingWeight;
     fontStyle: headingPosture;
     fontSize: 1.2em;
     textAlign: left;
     display: block

By the way, the spec doesn't say if Spice is a programming
language :-P


Christophe Strobbe

[1] (There is also
a short introduction to Spice in Frank Boumphrey's book
"Professional Style Sheets for HTML and XML" (1998). Boumphrey ventured
to predict that "Spice will be the style language of choice for XML".)

Received on Thursday, 9 June 2005 13:44:21 UTC