RE: Handling Graphs and charts (Was RE: Alt (was Re: longdesc)

> From: John Colby

> If there is a graph it shoudl be pretty obvious visually.
> So how about, for a graph or chart
> alt="Chart showing (chart title) - for detail follow the link (name of link)"

Slight alteration: I would also add any trends etc in the ALT (provided that
we're talking about something fairly short, e.g. alt="Sales of
widgets in 2005, showing an overall growth of 300% in widgets of type A", and
also add a proper longdesc attribute to the image (and, if at all necessary, a [D]
link - or even something more graceful and integrated, like a little note along
the lines of "See complete set of results/data/whatever", as getting access to
"copy/paste-able" figures benefits everybody, not just screenreader users)

> a full description of the chart and its data if appropriate (not just the data
> as that then becomes a meaningless table), the full description highlighting
> what the author intends, describing, for instance, trends over time. 

Good chance to use the table's summary attribute.

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford

Received on Tuesday, 21 December 2004 15:42:32 UTC