Re: mouse replacement software?

There are several different approaches to mouse replacement for people
with limited movement. As well as the grid approach, there are scanning
approaches, where a band moves around the screen (otherwise it is
similar), mousekeys as Phill mentioned (these are built into most
graphical systems, and have been for many years, and eyetracking systems
that assume that if somebody looks at something long enough they mean to
click on it.

I am pretty sure there is a fair bit of research in this area - it covers
a wide range of different user needs - but I am equally sure that there is
very little representation from the experts in this area within WAI and
even Web accessibility work. Looking for things like single-switch systems
would be a good way to find a bit more information.

If anyone has some pointers to interesting work I suspect they would be
very welcome on this list :-)



Charles McCathieNevile 

<quote who="Phill Jenkins">

> I'm curious if any studies have been done on this type solution compared
> to "MouseKeys".  For those who don't know, MouseKeys is supported by the
> Windows' Operating System Control Panel Accessibility Options.  The
> settings lets the users type (or voice command) the Ctrl key to speed up
> the movement of the mouse pointer..
> Regards,
> Phill Jenkins

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2004 03:20:32 UTC