> As far as I am aware you cannot make a PDF truly accessible for on 
> reason alone, whilst you may have created a structurally accessible 
> document, it then falls to the assistive technology to read the 
> structure.

You might want to reword that. A user-agent problem isn't the content 
creator's problem.

> In many cases, users at home do not have the most recent versions of
> assistive technology or the most recent version of adobe due to $$$ and
> resources,

Adobe Reader software is free, so we'll just eliminate that as an issue.

We're not involved in social welfare. We can't solve the problem that some 
people can and others cannot afford "the most recent versions of assistive 

The Working Group can't have it both ways: Complain that non-W3C formats 
are inaccessible and then, once they're upgraded for accessibility, find 
some other reason to dump on them.


     Joe Clark |
     Accessibility <>
     Expect criticism if you top-post

Received on Monday, 30 August 2004 15:49:01 UTC