Re: Should pdf and doc open alone or inside the browser

On 27 Jul, Jesper Tverskov wrote:

> OK, but is a proposed standard a none standard since everybody seems to
> use it already? When should we start using it? When will it become
> standard?, specifically sections 4.1.1,
  4.1.2 and 4.1.3.

> Have I understood you right, that you support my position; at least it
> is just a matter of time?

  All you need to do to make a file/document/resource accessible is to
  link it using a normal A.

  All you need do to make the content of it accessible ... that's a
  different discussion entirely; but avoiding languages that are not
  designed to convey structure and semantics is a good start.

  Bottom line: link to the file. The UA and the user will decide how to
  deal with the result. It isn't our choice - we have no idea how it
  must be dealth with on the client side.

  Frankly I don't understand this discussion. The tools exist to make
  the resource available. What happens to it after that isn't something
  we can - or should - control.

 -    Tina Holmboe                    Greytower Technologies      
   [+46] 0708 557 905

Received on Tuesday, 27 July 2004 06:27:27 UTC