Re: Skip Navigation was RE: Access key questions

> Possibly... But designers dont use Headings and continue to use styles to
> change the heading text which makes user agents unable know what is
> symantically a heading and what is just styled text.

This situation has improved dramatically.  With better support for CSS in
newer browsers and changes in the design community that encourages the use
of CSS for layout, there are far more sites that use CSS these days.  I
wouldn't describe the transition as complete, but the trend is a positive

Andrew Kirkpatrick
Project Manager, WGBH National Center for Accessible Media
125 Western Ave.
Boston, MA  02134

617-300-4420 (direct voice/FAX)
617-300-3400 (main NCAM)
617-300-2489 (TTY)

Received on Monday, 29 March 2004 09:05:39 UTC