Re: Skip Navigation was RE: Access key questions

Andrew Kirkpatrick said:
> Ideally, users or people who are in a position to help should try
> different solutions.

Hopefully they will work -- a good user agent
> would be a lot easier than dealing with sites with no skip links. If you
>  consider the number of designers that are not willing to put in a
> single  visible skip link, let alone several, I have a difficult time
> believing  that skip links are the solution you hope they are.

Possibly... But designers dont use Headings and continue to use styles to
change the heading text which makes user agents unable know what is
symantically a heading and what is just styled text.

I would hope that, through effective website designing (including skipping
of and to certain areas of content) AND user agents that can truly handle
multiple modes of input/output, web accessiblity would be taken for
granted.  I am not arguing against better UAs,  I am arguing for better
website design to complement better UAs.


Received on Monday, 29 March 2004 00:05:21 UTC