RE: "mouse or rat"

Well - if you don't have the Adobe plug-in installed it tells you that its 
best viewed with one and there's a link to the Adobe SVG Viewer site.

The .com site has sounds as you rollover the images, maybe the is under 

Is the point that it's a site actually developed by people with learning 
difficulties?  An on-going project perhaps?

More info would have been nice.....
Angela K Hilton
Web & E-Learning Officer
Tel: 0161 200 3389

Quoting "John Foliot -" <>:

> Option 3... none of the above.
> I am unsure exactly what we are supposed to be seeing or doing.  When I
> attempt to open this URI in my Netscape 7.1 browser, it launches my Adobe
> SVG viewer inside the browser window of my Internet Explore browser (IE
> opens a window in a different application)... this is a plug-in issue more
> than anything else...  I am presented with essentially a blank page... it
> reads "   a-z?", with the "a-z" being "hyperlinked to something.
> Attempting to "click" on the hyperlinks produces a "The page cannot be
> displayed" error message.  The status line (in IE) indicates: "Unrecognized
> DOCTYPE declaration. Image might not display correctly".  Attempting to tab
> through the page does not produce any concrete "action" or result.
> There are no instructions, either in the original email, nor on the page
> loaded.  To this "user" there is nothing actually accessible here, as a
> matter of fact, there appears to be "nothing", period.
> Am I the only one missing something here?
> JF
> > Subject: "mouse or rat"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Jonathan Chetwynd
> >
> > "A web by people with learning difficulties"
> >
> >
> >
> >

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2003 05:11:02 UTC