RE: "mouse or rat"

Option 3... none of the above.

I am unsure exactly what we are supposed to be seeing or doing.  When I
attempt to open this URI in my Netscape 7.1 browser, it launches my Adobe
SVG viewer inside the browser window of my Internet Explore browser (IE
opens a window in a different application)... this is a plug-in issue more
than anything else...  I am presented with essentially a blank page... it
reads "   a-z?", with the "a-z" being "hyperlinked to something.
Attempting to "click" on the hyperlinks produces a "The page cannot be
displayed" error message.  The status line (in IE) indicates: "Unrecognized
DOCTYPE declaration. Image might not display correctly".  Attempting to tab
through the page does not produce any concrete "action" or result.

There are no instructions, either in the original email, nor on the page
loaded.  To this "user" there is nothing actually accessible here, as a
matter of fact, there appears to be "nothing", period.

Am I the only one missing something here?


> Subject: "mouse or rat"
> Jonathan Chetwynd
> "A web by people with learning difficulties"

Received on Saturday, 22 November 2003 11:58:40 UTC