Re: Redirection

On Tue, 11 Nov 2003, Matthew Smith wrote:

> I have a situation where a number of documents were served from a
> database and generated 'on-the-fly'.  These documents were all accessed
> from a single URI, with the query string selecting the document.

Substituting path info for query string might be an option.

> Would it be acceptable to send an HTTP 301 code from the programme to
> redirect the user agent to new document location (the HTML file)?

Yes of course.  That's exactly the right way to do it.

> I don't see how this could constitute an accessibility problem unless
> the user agent were unable to process a 301, but then is every UA fully
> aware of every HTTP code?

I'm not aware of any UA that groks every HTTP return code correctly.
But a browser that failed to follow a 301 would be too broken to use.

Nick Kew

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2003 03:28:18 UTC