Re: Title and alt on the site logo.

Hi Tim and all, First, The word link need not be in either.  Second, it is
most likely best to use both with slightly different styling in each because
different ats and uas and combinations there of now and in the future will
utillize them differently, some treating them separately, some treating them
equally, some allowing for configuration of which or both to show?  We just
had a long discussion of this kind of thing in part over the past several
days so If I read you right, ther has been no consensus reached but that is
my two cents worth.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tim Roberts" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 12:00 PM
Subject: Title and alt on the site logo.

Hello all.

Here are two scenarios which I would be interested in hearing opinions on
from list members. They involve "logos" on a site.

From a usability point-of-view it is suggested that linking a site logo back
to the home page of the site adds usability value.

However, in doing so the link may now be apparent through the value of the
alt attribute (or title if the logo only text).

What, then, is th ebest suggestion for populating these attributes.

for example
alt="Site Name: link to home page."

and obviously if the logo was textual, should a title of
title="links to home page"


Received on Friday, 7 February 2003 12:07:11 UTC