Re: Is time running out for the without STYLE SHEET guidelines?

> as an aside, I'd like to know if there are any plans to produce a Lynx  
> type browser that accepts plugins, realplayer for example.

Lynx is maintained by one or two people in their spare time.  Unless you
intend to write one yourself, you can safely assume that there are no
plans, except in as much as I believe that Lynx already works with
realplayer, in that I believe there is a command line interface to

At the moment, Lynx isn't really keeping up with being usable for real
world web sites, as against well written ones.

I'd suggest that the only sensible starting point would be Mozilla.

(Lynx itself is portable, primarily Unix code, which generally runs in
console, not windows mode.  Most plugins are written for Microsoft Windows
programs running in Windows mode.)

Received on Friday, 31 January 2003 05:10:24 UTC