[OT] Misuse of Out of Office Responders

Now that the holiday season is upon us, could people please ensure
that, if they generate Out of Office auto replies, they only send
them to personal correspondents, not to people on public mailing lists.
I've had my first one for Christmas from one persistent offender (ignores
complaints about this) in the UK Cabinet Office.  Some mailing lists
with larger membership and a high proportion of business Windows users
can effectively mailbomb contributors because of this problem (around
80 per posting for the NTBUGTRAQ list).

As well as annoying contributors, these often leak confidential information.

W3C lists use de facto standards to flag their articles as list articles,
but my understanding is that Microsoft will not do anything to honour
Precedence headers until they become de jure standards.

Received on Saturday, 21 December 2002 07:38:50 UTC