Highlighting areas of text on mouse click.

Hi all,

I have a question about the W3's WAI documents. 

I was recently reading the Requirements for WCAG 2.0
http://www.w3.org/TR/wcag2-req/ and I noticed that in Mozilla 1.2.1 when
any text is clicked, the whole scope of the paragraph changes color to
red. I am not sure if this happens in other browsers. Does anyone know
why this is so?

This also raises a question as to whether this would be a worthwhile
accessibility feature. For example, an area of text (e.g. Paragraph or
list item) could be made bolder or slightly larger when clicked. The
immediate benefit I saw in this technique for for dyslexics, who could
highlight or enlarge sections of the text by clicking on them 

I would be grateful to hear thoughts on this.


Tim Roberts <tim@wiseguysonly.com>

Received on Saturday, 7 December 2002 18:16:48 UTC