Tabindex Coding Tip (Perl)


This is one for anyone using Perl to generate accessible (X)HTML; those 
using other programming/scripting languages may be able to modify this 
for their own environment.

I spent ages inserting tabindex values into files by hand, until a very, 
very simple system dawned on me:

1) Declare a tabindex global variable at the beginning of the programme:
our $tabindex;  # Use 'our' to declare global scope when using 'strict'

2) Create a subroutine that can increment the variable and return a 
reference to it:

sub tabindex {
	return (\$tabindex);

3) Create your tags thus:

print "<a href=\"\" tabindex=\"${tabindex()}\">";

There are obvious limitations to this, including if you want to break 
from "natural order", but hopefully this will save someone out there a 
lot of time...



Matthew Smith            | Business:
IT Consultant            | PGP Key:
Kadina, South Australia  | * Tivis Project * Community Connect *

Received on Saturday, 7 December 2002 17:55:25 UTC