Re: What this list is all about ... was RE: Business Benefits of Access-for-All Design

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Jim Thatcher wrote:

> I really don't know why I subscribe to this list. The behavior of a few of
> its members is typified by the responses to Mike Burks' offering of Steve
> Jacobs' article on the "Business Benefits of Access-for-All Design." Eight
> messages responding to Mike's message and not ONE, repeat, not one, message
> which was on topic.

If we accept the original posting as on-topic, then so surely is
a message pointing out that the article itself is not readable
due to a server configuration error, and likewise David Woolley's
explanation of why it is unreadable (I might well have posted that
myself if David hadn't got there first).  OK, there were further
MeToo posts as tends to happen in any public forum.

Bringing it back to relatively on-topic, I have in the past worked
with clients who use frontpage to generate relatively-sane markup.
This was a convoluted process, including extensive user-training,
validation to a custom-DTD, and cleanup tools for the FP-generated
markup.  Not recommended, but not entirely impossible.

On the subject of the MSIE bug, it's a Halloween-ism.  And I'm
on record as describing this before we even had the original
Halloween documents!

Nick Kew

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2002 21:29:43 UTC