RE: abbr, acronym and working examples


By experience the <abbr> tag does not render the Title attribute in IE,
however the <acronym> tag works well.  To see a real world example, visit and hover over the OWBA.  The decoration and
cursor are Style sheet entries:

  		border-bottom: 1px dotted #333;
  		cursor: help;

I believe that Mozilla and Opera will provide the dotted underlines by
default, but I don't remember off hand...

Quite some time ago I recall a detailed discussion/treatise on the
differences between abbreviations and acronyms and their place in web
authoring.  By my recollection, the author went to great pains to point out
the difference between the two, but myself personally the differences can be
moot; if the acronym element delivers practical functionality versus the
apparently ignored (or at least less supported) <abbr> tag then who am I to
quibble?  Do you *really* care if UNICEF is an abbreviation or an acronym?
I don't (but encourage everyone to support their good work...).  However, as
always, this is just my humble opinion.



-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Jonathan Chetwynd
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 8:20 AM
Subject: abbr, acronym and working examples

You would think i had said this often enough:-)

where are the examples?(for abbr acronym)
I've searched for far too long on google.

my example is
snippet: <a title="Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty">pmld</a>
which cannot be right, but does work.

the worked examples I've seen, dont seem to work onmouseover
<abbr title= "Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty">pmld</abbr>

I know I have even asked about this specific issue before, but cannot
even find my example, apologies as usual, if this is my typo etc....



Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 10:45:21 UTC