RE: abbr, acronym and working examples

> > where are the examples?(for abbr acronym)
> > I've searched for far too long on google.

Isn't it difficult to search for unrendered HTML elements in Google?

A lot of indie Web authors use acronym and abbr. I just did a check
in BBEdit: 1,700 uses of acronym and 700 of abbr on my own sites.
Let's divide by three to take into account duplicates, backups,
etc., but it's still a lot. I am not at all unusual in such usage
among indie Web developers-- I know people who are an order of
magnitude more promiscuous in such usage than I am
(<>, for example).

Just don't expect to find nice compliant elements like this on
dog's-breakfast commercial sites. Horses for courses, as I believe
the British say.


  Joe Clark  |
  Author, _Building Accessible Websites_
  <> | <>

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 13:50:08 UTC