Fw: discussion:Fw: What is the problem with accessible pop-up windows?

Hello David

> The project is a government project and started in april 2001. 4 so
> called ambassadors (one with a physical handicap, one with a visual
> handicap, one with a mental handicap and one with a hearing handicap)
> tried to get 100 intention explanations from commercial companies and
> non profit organizations to make their web site accessible. Accessible
> here means including priority 1 checkpoints of the WCAG 1.0.
> In april 2002 there were more than 100 of these intention explanations
> signed including banks, our parlement www.tweede-kamer.nl, some online
> shops, our national train company www.ns.nl etc.

This weekend my political site was visited by a regional embassador for
Friesland of drempelsweg.nl who is nearly blind. I got a mail that this
site is accessible and  he liked the added text why the site is built as
it is and how browsersettings can be changed  when it is necessary. The
site meets AAA conformance.

In your mail it seemed that there are only  Dutch sites that are not
still accessible but will be made accessible soon or later.. .

Hallo Ineke v/d Maat
Mijn complimenten over de website van GroenLinks Lelystad.
Ook prima de verklarende tekst waarom de website zo is opgebouwd.

succes verder met julie activiteiten.

Met vriendelijke groet,

van Nico Smits
(ambassadeur voor drempels Weg.nl)

Ineke van der Maat

Received on Tuesday, 5 November 2002 08:37:54 UTC