Re: accessible sites in i-mode

> >Probably further discussion should be moved to or
> >somewhere else.

> Moving the thread to a more focused, deliverable-oriented context is OK if we 
> a) identify the dependencies and 
> b) define a responsible party [probably an organizational unit, not an individual] and 
> report-back mechanism to make whatever happens be accountable to this 
> community where there is clearly an interest.

I think "avoid using emojis" is sufficient conclusion for this list,
for the moment.  I just thought this discussion (at least my message)
is becoming a bit off-topic for a WAI list.

> Let me float this to the Hypertext Coordination Group to learn who should take the
> role of Office of Primary [or currently next] Responsibility (OPR) for this issue.

You may do so if you want, but be aware that there was an extensive
discussion on this topic about 3 years ago on the HCG and a mailing
list was created, which is pretty much dead now - no message for more
than 2 years.

Masayasu Ishikawa /
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium

Received on Saturday, 13 July 2002 11:44:26 UTC