Re: Can I validate a site that needs a password?

At 16:25 21/03/02 +0000, Jim Byrne wrote:
>Is it possible to use the W3c HTML validator on a site that requires a
>password? e.g. the Blackboard Website that I am currently looking at.
>If not, is there a way to validate the HTML - other than just looking at it
>and deciding whether it looks valid or not?

You can view source, copy the source and submit it to

Be there, done that with Blackboard 5.0.  The validator didn't like the 
HTML there at all.  Blackboard 5.5+ may be better though.


Lynn Alford, Multimedia Services        Tel     (07) 47 81 5525
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Received on Thursday, 21 March 2002 20:06:59 UTC