Re: Discussion: WCAG Test Tool Behaviour

On Tue, 19 Mar 2002, David Woolley wrote:

> > content negotiation.  Content-Language in the HTTP Response identifies
> > the actual language of the document returned.
> Erm No!!
> >From RFC 2616:
>    The Content-Language entity-header field

Yes, the reference to an *Entity Header* is exactly that: it describes
an entity.  However, that is a very general case.  My reference was
to its use as a *Response Header*, which is more specific.

>        Content-Language  = "Content-Language" ":" 1#language-tag
> Note the 1# and the (s).   Some more:

That would be appropriate to a multipart entity, perhaps comprising
multiple copies of a document in different languages.  It's dealing
with bundled collections, and perhaps with HTTP PUT transactions.

It is not dealing with single HTML or XML documents, which is all
either a web browser or Page Valet normally deals with.

> I.E. it is to help resource selection, not to control rendering.

In an entity that is a single HTML page, it serves exactly the same
purpose as the lang attribute to <html>.

Nick Kew

Site Valet - the mark of Quality on the Web.

Received on Thursday, 21 March 2002 15:50:38 UTC