Re: javascript commands

> What you're actually talking about is the Document Object Model, of which

And which is what will be the real problem for Lynx as Lynx's internal
document object model doesn't look much like that of the big 2; that's
why people will say that adding Javascript is a major re-write.

> Indeed, implementing the location object and the object -

Technically, neither of these are parts of the DOM, they are parts
of the browser object model as they are to do with browser automation;
however, DOM0 is so fuzzy that it tends to cover them.

> neither of which are in any standard, would open a huge number of very
> poorly authored sites.
> Personally I find Microsofts documentation the clearest:

I prefer the PDF files from Netscape, but don't have the URLs to

> It's DOM 0 you need and all browsers have implemented it pretty much the
> same, so look for documentation that you find friendly.

Although this will cover a fair amount, a lot of pages will use the
Netscape or IE specific bits, and some more recent ones will even use
W3C's DOM1 (which works on IE5, although a lot of authors are probably
not aware of this, as they treat NS6 as the special case and continue to
use document.all for IE5).  Pages that come up completely blank often are
doing a test to decide whether to use the IE or NS4 proprietory features.
Specifically, they tend to branch between NS4 layers and IE5 document.all
for manipulating the components of pop-up menus.

Received on Monday, 18 March 2002 17:35:58 UTC