RE: Fieldset grouping of items other than forms

Sorry this is probably of topic for this list and will be posted in

-----Original Message-----
From: PERRY, Grant 
Sent: Monday, March 04, 2002 4:53 PM
To: ''
Subject: Fieldset grouping of items other than forms


I would just like someone to clear something up for me I was under the
impression that fieldset (as the name describes) should only be used to
group form elements. However I have recently seen it used to group any other
elements img, p etc.

Could some one please point me to some documentation saying it should only
be used for forms, if so, because I have successfully validated a page using
fieldset in this way.

Grant Perry
Web Development
Education Queensland

Telephone: +61 07 34216 438
Fax: +61 07 34216 401

Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 02:06:30 UTC