Re: Fw: Feedback on accessibility techniques for cognitive disabilities

> Content-type: application/msword;
>  name="Cog.Dis.Access.Guidelines comments 2-15-01.doc"

Any chance of having these in an accessible form?  Even PDF
is more widely readable than Word, and has a more open 
specification.  This was just a waste of 50K of my mail folder
space.  It's even possible that the named recipient can't handle
> EAAAMQAAAAEAAAD+////AAAAAC4AAAD/////////////////////////////////////////////

> Content-type: application/msword;
>  name="Cog.Dis.Access.Guidelines contact info.doc"
> EAAAJgAAAAEAAAD+////AAAAACMAAAD/////////////////////////////////////////////

Received on Tuesday, 26 February 2002 02:48:58 UTC